Wyoming Recovery offers proven alcohol addiction treatment techniques at our inpatient and outpatient facilities in Casper, WY. Our professional staff understands the struggles of alcohol addiction as well as the often-overwhelming road to recovery. That’s why our team is committed to helping every patient overcome their alcohol dependency and return to a happy, healthy, sober lifestyle.
Recognizing Whether You or A Loved One Have a Problem
There are many signs that someone is suffering from alcohol addiction. However, those afflicted with the condition are often the last to recognize it in themselves. More than 90% of Americans struggling with alcoholism do not think they need treatment for their addiction. It can be difficult to see the forest through the trees, so a good way to start is to get an evaluation if you or a loved one displays any of the following traits:
- drinking more or longer than intended;
- wanting to stop drinking, but being unable to succeed;
- spending a lot of time drinking or recovering from the after-effects;
- allowing alcohol to interfere with personal or professional obligations;
- continuing to drink even after recognizing consequences;
- increasing risk of injury due to alcohol;
- experiencing tolerance to alcohol;
- experiencing withdrawals when not drinking;
- becoming withdrawn from activities, hobbies, friends, or family;
- continuing to drink even if it causes friction in relationships; or
- continuing to drink even if it causes mental health issues like anxiety or depression.
You can get a free evaluation by speaking to one of our case managers, either by calling (307) 265-3791 or through our secure, online form. We also offer an online self-evaluation tool that can help you determine if you are addicted to alcohol.
Defining Alcohol Addiction, Alcoholism, and Alcohol Use Disorder
These terms are often used interchangeably, but there are subtle differences. All can impact your life and the lives of the people around you. Your therapist will help determine what form you suffer from, and then tailor a customized treatment protocol to help you get sober. Learn more about the different forms of alcohol use.
Alcohol Addiction Treatment Stages
Wyoming Recovery incorporates many different alcohol addiction treatment methods to help ensure your success. It’s important to remember that recovery isn’t immediate. Recovery is a journey — with multiple steps along the way — and each step will require effort and focus. Our staff is committed to helping you along this journey, so that you can succeed and start living a healthier, sober life.
Alcohol addiction treatment is generally split into three stages:
- Detox (detoxification) — To start treatment, you need to first get all the alcohol out of your system. It is a critical factor in beginning your treatment plan successfully because your body purges all alcohol during this period. Getting all alcohol out of a heavy drinker’s system can take up to a week. This can be a rough process, as patients can go through many — sometimes life-threatening — symptoms of withdrawal. Our on-site medical staff supervise the detoxification process to make sure it’s done in a safe manner that keeps you as comfortable as possible.
- Alcohol Rehab / Treatment — Whether you are in our Residential Inpatient Program (staying in our treatment facility) or part of our Intensive Outpatient Program, you will get the treatment you need to become sober. Our team of case managers, therapists and residential care technicians — along with your peers (other patients in the program) and sponsors (addicts who are effectively managing their addictions) — are committed to your health and well-being. Wyoming Recovery’s treatment protocols are medical and evidence-based, and consist of various forms including therapy, counseling, and wellness practices.
- Maintenance (continuing / ongoing care) — When you graduate from treatment, you need to realize that your addiction is still there. You will always have an impulse to turn to alcohol and a relapse is always possible. But it’s important that you don’t give up. We like to treat a relapse as a brief bump in the road to recovery, not a total wreck. Our Continuing Care Program (also referred aftercare or ongoing care) is all about helping you stay sober, so we work to give you the behavioral treatment tools necessary to identify the trigger impulses that might cause a relapse, and the tools, ongoing programs, and community support so you can avoid those triggers, manage your life and stay sober.
Inpatient Alcohol Rehab
We offer inpatient alcohol rehab to patients who need 24-hour care during alcohol addiction treatment. Our licensed and accredited alcohol rehabilitation facility has 17 beds and is monitored by a staff of trained professionals committed to helping each patient reach their sobriety goals. Residential stays are generally four weeks long, although many patients move into our Intensive Outpatient Program for further support and treatment. Learn more about our Residential Inpatient Program.
Outpatient Alcohol Rehab
Some individuals need alcohol addiction treatment that does not disrupt their everyday lives, careers, and relationships. The goal of Wyoming Recovery’s Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) is to help patients improve their lives through sobriety while still keeping a regular routine. Outpatient alcohol rehab treatment plans vary in duration depending on patients’ personal circumstances, but typically follow an eight-week schedule. Learn more about our Intensive Outpatient Program.
Behavioral Approaches to Alcohol Addiction Treatment
An addict is an addict for life, but modifying an addict’s behaviors can help them avoid relapse and stay sober. Our certified counselors and therapists use behavioral treatments (alcohol counseling) to help you identify and alther the behaviors and triggers that make you drink. Behavioral treatment can help you develop the skills necessary to stop drinking, help build a social support system, and cultivate coping mechanisms to deal with personal triggers and impulses. At Wyoming Recovery, we use multitude of medical, evidence-based behavioral treatments, including:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) — Taking place in a one-on-one setting or a small group, this form of therapy identifies cues that trigger the desire to drink heavily and ways to manage accompanying stress. Ultimately, CBT helps change a patient’s thought processes and develops coping skills for dealing with situations that could lead to problem drinking. Learn More.
- Motivational Enhancement Therapy (MET) — MET helps patients form a plan to make improvements, build confidence, and acquire the tools they need to change their drinking behavior. Learn More.
- Marital and Family Counseling — Incorporating spouses and family members can help repair and improve family relationships, while also introducing a support system to help patients stop drinking and remain sober. Learn More.
- Individual Therapy — Our therapists meet with patients one-on-one to help tackle their alcohol addiction in a private setting. During the sessions, patients can discuss their triggers, symptoms, or problems openly. Learn More.
- Family Therapy — Allowing family members to join in therapy sessions can help patients connect on a deeper level to friends and family on whom they will rely for support during recovery efforts. Learn More.
- Group Therapy — Wyoming Recovery offers scheduled recovery-related group therapy sessions at our campus. It allows patients to connect with their peers — other patients battling similar issues — and share motivations, success stories, and support. Learn More.
- Nutrition Management — Healthy eating is an important part of staying healthy overall, and the foods you eat can also help curb or trigger your cravings for alcohol. Our licensed nutritionist can help you improve your overall health and manage those cravings. Learn More.
- Acupuncture — Wyoming Recovery offers acupuncture as a proven technique to help patients diminish their cravings for alcohol. Learn More.
Contact Wyoming Recovery for Alcohol Addiction Treatment
Are you ready to take your first steps on the road to recovery? At Wyoming Recovery, we’re here to help. You can start the process online filling out this form or by calling a case manager at (307) 265-3791 to start the admissions process.