At Wyoming Recovery, we believe in a holistic approach to patient care and treatment. We use medical- and evidence-base programming in our treatment of alcohol and drug addiction, and we supplement those programs with alternative therapeutics that have been shown to provide our patients with pain and symptom relief.
Auricular Acupuncture as Treatment
Acupuncture is a Chinese healing method, and has been used for thousands of years to effectively treat a wide range of conditions and illnesses. A licensed auricular acupuncturist uses long, very thin needles that are carefully inserted at key points on the ear. The needles stimulate various systems to produce desired positive effects.
Our licensed auricular acupuncturist uses the technique to help patients with a variety of issues directly related to addiction treatment, including suppressing cravings, reducing withdrawal symptoms, and pain relief/management.
Acupuncture has also helped our patients with other behavioral and mental health issues, including reducing anxiety and improving sleep.
Massage Therapy as Treatment
Massage therapy is the manipulation of the soft tissues of the body (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin) using pressure and movement. Such manipulations can increase blood flow to specific areas of the body and provide pain relief and muscle relaxation.
At Wyoming Recovery, we use licensed massage therapists to help patients through the pain and stress of detoxification. Massage provides immediate relief for many of the common symptoms patients experience as they go through detox.
We also use it as a supplemental treatment for patients dealing with other mental or behavioral health issues, including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Contact Wyoming Recovery Today to Learn More
The addiction treatment specialists at Wyoming Recovery have decades of experience helping patients overcome their addictions. Our caring and compassionate staff is committed to using effective, alternative treatment methods available to help patients get sober, stay sober, and live healthy, happy lives. Are you ready to take the first steps on your road to recovery? Call us at (307) 265-3791 or fill out this online form to speak with a case manager and apply for admission.